Setting the scene:
Steamed Cockles
Roqué’s choice was next and he prepared West Country cockles wok steamed in vermouth with crushed garlic, torn fresh celery leaves and an avalanche of chopped parsley from their much loved kitchen garden.
Wanda loved Roqué’s Cockles! The sun was setting; the lights dimmed and sandalwood incense stirred the air until all thoughts became superfluous except one. Pretty edible flowers created the tablescape and lightly chilled Gewurztraminer embellished tall wine glasses.
Steamed Cockles
For 2 lovers
Get on with it…
Heat 25g butter in a wok & add 1tbs shallot & 1 clove of garlic, both finely diced. Cook for 2 minutes then add 300ml dry vermouth & bring up to the boil.
Add 750g fresh cockles, in their shells & a handful of celery leaves. As soon as the cockles open remove them from the pan onto a hot dish & reduce down the remaining liquor adding some freshly ground black pepper.
Spoon the juices over the cockles & strew with chopped parsley. Serve with crusty dipping bread & wedges of lemon.
Feed the desire
Its not just posh oysters that have aphrodisiac qualities. All shellfish contain phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron & Vitamin B, the essential bedfellows for love & lust so make the most of the humble little cockle with its delicate soft texture – it can make you as frisky as an oyster.