Just Deserts
Setting the scene:
Raspberry Nipple Chocolate Mousse.
This is a very sexy pudding, erect sweet raspberry nipples, indulgent chocolate, whipped cream, a glass of Cointreau to complete the scene.
This is the time for an orange scented candle to manipulate the mood and enhance the pudding.
Wanda and Roqué took long spoons and served each other, wrapping their tongues around the raspberry nipples before moving on the real thing…
For 2 lovers
Get on with it…
Raspberry Nipple Chocolate Mousse.
Heat a small pan of water to just simmering & place a bowl on top without it touching the water.
Break up 175g plain chocolate (best quality for your best lover) add 100ml double cream & 25g butter. Stir until the chocolate has melted.
Cool for 10 minutes & then beat in 3 egg yolks, one at a time, reserving the whites.
Whisk the 3 egg whites until stiff – you know the feeling – & then fold into the chocolate mix. Pour into martini glasses a & leave to set for an hour.
Whisk up 100ml whipping cream (always a favourite) until firm & spoon on top of the mousse.
Finish with a pair of raspberry nipples. What more could you ask for.
Ingredients available from www.waitrose.com.
Feed the desire…
Raspberry Nipple Chocolate Mousse. Chocolate is the surest way to get into a better mood and contains substances believed to evoke the same reaction in the body as falling in love.
Need more proof? A study by the Journal of Sexual Medicine found women who ate a single piece of chocolate every day enjoyed a more active sex life than those who didn’t.
What more excuse do you need girls.