Their kitchen was a haven of pleasure, where they lived, cooked and made love on the big old pine table.
Food was the second favourite pleasure they shared.
Ever since her visit to Spain, she had loved the glorious open harbour side fish markets bustling with life.
The all pervading smell of the sea, with the fish porters bustling around with baskets of crabs, live lobsters, mountains of edible seaweed, crates full of writhing sardines and buckets of mouth watering squid.
Wanda loved fish and tonight giant prawns, known as gambas in Spain, were on the menu.
Wanda watched as Roqué seductively undressed the prawns. The garlic butter with miniscule bits of chopped parsley was dripping from his fingers.
She couldn’t resist it any longer and gently and lovingly took his finger deep into her mouth and sucked the delicious juice. As she did she remembered how jealously she had watched as his strong hands kneaded the dough for their bread and now the smell of fresh baked bread straight from the oven was overwhelming and her long legs began to tremble with excitement – she loved her Roqué and gently sang “The look of love is in your eyes, a look your smile can’t disguise – Baby be mine tonight”.